报告题目1:Ensuring timely completion of cloud processes
报 告 人: Yun Yang
报告时间: 9月24日,9:30:00-10:30
It is the ultimate goal to ensure any process to complete in a timely fashion. In this talk, we look at both computation-intensive scientific workflows and instance-intensive business workflows in the cloud environments. Started with presenting a temporal verification framework, this talk will focus on identifying temporal violations on the fly along workflow execution efficiently and effectively. The corresponding temporal violation handling strategies will also be addressed.
Yun Yang is a full professor at the School of Software and Electrical Engineering, Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia. He was Associate Dean (Research) during 2008-2010 and Associate Head (Research) during 2000-2003. He earned his PhD degree in Computer Science from the University of Queensland in 1992. Professor Yang has been awarded many research grants include eight prestigious Australia Research Council (ARC) grants in the past 10 years. He has (co-)authored five research monographs and over 230 refereed papers. He has also supervised to completion of 16 PhD students as principal supervisor. He is a senior member of IEEE, and serves on the editorial board of IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing and regularly on program committee of flagship ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE). Professor Yang was a REC member of ARC ERA 2015 for evaluating Australian university research quality. His current research interests are in cost-effective big data management on the cloud, cloud workflow management, cloud service management and software process management. His profile can be accessed via http://www.ict.swin.edu.au/personal/yyang/.
报 告 人: 金芝
报告时间: 9月24日,10:50-11:50
随着互联网的发展和面向服务架构的出现,对知识服务存在越来越迫切的需求,对传统知识工程带来极大的挑战,比如知识的在线获取与挖掘、知识的时变性和情景性、知识的动态融合与协同推理,这些深层次的需求和挑战也为知识工程的发展带来更大的机遇。本报告将与大家一同回顾知识工程的发展历程,分享基于互联网的知识工程的研究心得, 并对未来知识服务和知识服务业进行展望。
报 告 人: 闻立杰
报告时间: 9月25日,08:30-09:30
业务过程管理(Business Process Management,即BPM)作为一个研究领域,集成了来自计算机科学、管理科学和信息系统研究等学科的不同方面。业务过程全生命周期管理包含过程识别、过程发现、过程分析、过程再设计、过程实现以及过程监控六个阶段。本报告将围绕BPM生命周期的六个阶段,以过程即数据(Process as Data)为指导思想,就建模、执行、变更、分析、挖掘、检索共六个方面展开介绍清华大学软件学院业务过程管理团队的研究缘起、研究脉络和研究成果,报告最后将结合BPM的国际最新研究进展,对BPM领域的未来研究方向加以展望。
闻立杰(1977年-),男,河北唐山人,博士,现任清华大学软件学院副教授/博导,分别于2000年、2007年获清华大学计算机科学与技术系学士、博士学位。围绕海量事件数据的管理和分析挖掘开展研究工作,针对时序数据、图数据提出一系列关键算法,设计开发支持大规模事件数据处理的平台与系统,据此开展事件数据采集清洗、统一存储、特征抽取、特征索引、快速检索等关键技术的研究与应用,实现大规模事件数据的质量控制、集成整合、分析挖掘等功能。截止目前共发表90余篇学术论文,包括IEEE TSC、WWW、Computers in Industry、Journal of Applied Mathematics、DMKD、DKE、JIIS、SoSyM、Information Processing Letters等SCI期刊论文。据Google Scholar统计,发表论文被引用1750多次。主持国家重点研发计划1项、主持国家自然科学基金2项、参与国家NSFC/973/863计划子课题8项、国家核高基重大专项课题1项。获国家发明专利、软件著作权多项,获国家科技进步奖二等奖1项(排名6)、中国电子学会科技进步一等奖1项(排名6)、教育部科技进步一等奖1项(排名6)、BPM 2015最佳学生论文奖。译著3部。现任国际会议BPM、PAKDD、CoopIS程序委员会委员,IEEE过程挖掘工作组XES标准化小组委员。