1、论坛介绍: CBPM研究生论坛旨在为全国从事业务过程管理工作的研究生及青年学者提供展示其研究成果的机会。论坛将邀请相关领域的国内外知名学者及业界人士进行现场点评和指导。2、本次论坛主题: 如何做一个学术报告(How to Make a Research Presentation) 3、时间:9月24日:19:30-21:00 4、地点:参会酒店小会场(具体待定) 5、嘉宾:苏建文(美国加州大学圣塔芭芭拉分校) 6、论坛大致流程安排: (1)19:30-19:40:chair先就研究生论坛进行下介绍和宣传,并对来的嘉宾进行介绍 (2)19:40-20:40:每位讲者做15分钟以内的报告 (3)20:40-21:10:提问与讨论 4位嘉宾的简介: (1)Prof. Jianwen Su,苏建文 ![]() Jianwen Su is Professor of Computer Science at the University of California, Santa Barbara. He received his BS/MS degrees from Fudan University (China) and his PhD degree from the University of Southern California. He held visiting positions at INRIA and Bell Labs, was/is an adjunct professor at Fudan, Peking, and Donghua Universities in China. His research concerns data modeling and query languages, scientific databases, formal verification, web services, and business process management. His current work focuses on modeling and analysis of business processes concerning compositions and management. His work on data with nested structures, incremental query evaluation, constraint databases, web services, and data-centric workflow is widely known and cited. Dr. Su received two IBM Faculty Awards, was a keynote speaker at several international workshops/conferences including ICSOC 2012 and WS-FM 2013. He served/is serving on program committees of many conferences in databases (PODS, ICDT, VLDB, ICDE, EDBT, etc.) and services computing (ICSOC, BPM, WS-FM, ICWE, ICWS, etc.). He was a general co-chair of ICSOC 2013, the general chair of SIGMOD 2001, the PC chair of PODS 2009, and a program co-chair of a few other database/services computing conferences. He served on the Executive Committees of ACM SIGMOD and PODS, editorial boards for IJFCS and JCST, and is an associate editor of IJCIS.
(2)Prof. Jian Yang,杨坚 ![]() Dr. Jian Yang is a full professor at Department of Computing, Macquarie University. She received her PhD in Multidatabase Systems area from The Australian National University in 1995. Before she joined Macquarie University, she worked as an associate professor at Tilburg University, Netherlands (2000-2003), a senior research scientist at the Division of Mathematical and Information Science, CSIRO, Australia (1998-2000), and as a lecturer (assistant professor) at Dept of Computer Science, The Australian Defence Force Academy, University of New South Wales (1993-1998). Dr. Yang has published papers in the international journals and conferences such as IEEE transactions, Information Systems, Data & Knowledge Engineering, CACM, VLDB, ICDCS, CAiSE, CoopIS, CIKM, etc. She has served as program committee member in various international conferences such as: ICDE, CAiSE, ER, CoopIS, ICSOC, BPM, ICWS, SCC, WISE, WAIM, etc. She is also a regular reviewer for journals such as IEEE Transactions on Knowledge & Data Engineering, Data & Knowledge Engineering, VLDB Journal, IEEE Internet Computing, etc. Her main research interests are: web service technology; business process management; interoperability, trust and security issues in digital libraries and e-commerce; social network.
(3)Prof.Yun Yang, 杨耘 ![]() Professor Yun Yang is with School of Software and Electrical Engineering at Swinburne University of Technology. He earned his PhD degree from the University of Queensland in 1992. He worked as Research Scientist at CRC for Distributed Tools and Systems Centre before you started his academic career at Deakin University in 1996. He went to Swinburne University as Associate Professor just before the millennium. His research interests include software engineering; cloud computing data management; cloud workflow; big data and service-oriented computing. He has co-authored five monographs and over 200 papers. In the past 10 years, he has been frequently serving on Program Committees for the flagship software engineering conference, ICSE. He is Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing. He was member of ARC ERA 2015 REC (Research Evaluation Committee).
(4)闻立杰 ![]() 闻立杰博士现任清华大学软件学院 副教授/博导,研究领域为流程大数据管理与挖掘:并行流程挖掘、流程模型分析、流程数据索引、流程数据检索、流程模型相似性、流程日志分析、流程日志修复。参与译著3部,自2010年以来在国际期刊和会议上发表30余篇论文。是IEEE过程挖掘任务组(IEEE Task Force on Process Mining)成员、IEEE过程挖掘工作组XES标准化小组委员。担任亚太业务过程管理大会(APBPM)程序委员会 联合主席、国际业务过程管理大会(BPM,过程领域国际顶级会议)程序委员会 委员、中国业务过程管理大会(CBPM)程序委员会 联合主席。 |
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